The idea is to maintain a healthy sense of humor: The more rigid or extreme the goal is, the less likely it will be that it will be attractive or attainable. Allow yourself to make mistakes and enjoy the process as much as reaching---or even surpassing--your new goals.
Popular goals include: Lose Weight, Get out of Debt, Get Organized, Save Money, Improve Grades, Get a Better Job, Get Fit, Eat Right, Get a Better Education, Drink less Alcohol, Quit Smoking, Reduce Stress, Take a Trip, Volunteer to Help Others, Be Less Grumpy, Be more independent, Learn something new.
We think it's pretty cool that martial arts training can help you keep your resolutions, in fact 9 of the 17 goals above if you plan on going to Korea with us! If you want support with reaching your goals this year talk to an instructor about your training schedule and consider adding private classes. If you're still sitting on the sideline, now is a great time to get started with our kickboxing or traditional martial arts classes.
Good Luck!